
Out of Order

59 pages, 9″ x 6″, open edition, soft cover, perfect bound

Photographs of text found in various public places in Indiana and surrounding states. The photographs were made between 2004-2024.

Self-published in 2024.

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Analog - handprinted and handbound artist book with letterpress cover and spine.


15 pages, 5″ x 7″, edition of 10.

Handprinted and handbound with letterpress cover and spine. Collaboration with Terrence Chouinard / the Wing and the Wheel Press.

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Drop Coins Slowly photo zine

Drop Coins Slowly

Photographs and narrative about repurposed USPS stamp machines used to sell gambling tickets in Indiana bars. ($18).

50 pages

12 Martís photo zine

12 Martís

A small collection of representations of the poet Jose Martí, photographed in Cuba in 2014. Available in print ($12) and for free as an e-book.

36 pages